Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning...

the rain tricked us out of going to Taste of Arlington, but yesterday was not wasted. my mom is taking a three month vacation to Thailand soon (i'm totally jealous!), so i thought cleaning out my closet and sending clothes and shoes with her would be a good should see my closet now!

after i got home from work today the cleaning bug bit me again and i cleaned out the stairway closet. our apartment is in a house built in 1901, so there are a few odd rooms and closets from being sectioned out...anyway, while cleaning, i came across J's old wooden bed frame. it had gotten broken and we stored it away to try to use the wood for other things but had forgotten about it. i was struck with one of my bright, yet poorly planned ideas...i wanted to make a planter box, similar to one i had seen in "You Grow Girl". i grabbed all of the things i thought i needed: hammer, nails, measuring tape, etc. i even whipped out the hand saw out of my Ikea kit and used it a couple of times.

Step 1... hour later...i disassembled the pieces...

...two and half hours and one sore thumb later...i was still at square one...

nearly three hours later, i was still without a planter box. as a matter of fact, i hadn't even a frame. defeated, i decided that maybe i should just stick to crafts or try again when i'm feeling lucky.

i was really looking toward to showing off my skills (like "TaDaH everyone! look what i built!" but i failed miserably. it's alright though, cause my Moo cards arrived in the mail today. Yay! and they turned out great, so i can't wait to get more.

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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.