Tuesday, June 3, 2008

something new...

guess who's trying to grow sunflowers? yes, your's truly is at it again. i got these sunflower seeds from the Artomatic show while i was there last month. they are a part of the Sunflower Art Festival. i'm planning on actually planning these little sprouts in our backyard (even though it's a rental) because our porch doesn't get enough sunlight. and as they grow (if they grow), i'll try to keep track of them and share my progress on the project's Flickr pool. ...and also, take a gander at this pile of fresh felt! some bunny's getting ready to craft her blues away. watch out peeps!
...oh! and since i don't have much to say, here's the picture of the day!ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

YUM! gorgeous felt! I had a felt delivery today and can't wait to get crafting! :)


Pang said...

you get felt delivery? i have to go buy my felt from a craft store! i would love to get it delivered. any suggestions? thanks Claire P


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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.