we just adopted him from a really nice couple from Thurmont, Md. (i found their ad on Craigslist while on vacation after finally talking J into letting me have a kitteh.) they took in a stray cat, and she turned up preggers one day and had six kittens! they're not sure what kind of cat is the father because all of the kittens have different colors and markings, although most of them are gray and one is all black.
this chill little dude was our favorite. we wanted a kitten that would compliment Remy and her lazy ways (not bring out the brat in her), but so far we're not sure. we introduced the two after the kitty came out of his basket, while in a separate room, and held them up next to eachother. Remy was curious, but baby kitty hissed at her. hmm...right now the kitty is in a small room with a see-through babygate separating her from Remy and they seem to be very curious of each other. i did a little bit of research and i think this was probably recommended...to keep them separated until they are ok with each other, right? any suggestions? i've also heard that its better to bring a cat into a dog household rather than vise versa. so at least we are in the clear for something.
baby kitty has been home for about three hours now and hasn't eaten or used the litter (he's already litter trained). should i be worried about this? he's not interested in his toys and has just been sleeping in his basket (a gift from the couple) for the most part...probably stressed a bit.
we've been testing out some names and came up with a couple that we liked. Dinner, CJ (short for Curly Jefferson from a skit, Old Greg, from the Mighty Boosh), Cousin Crunch, or Flint (fuzzy lint ball, the only normal name). i think we're going to give it a couple of days.

tomorrow he will have his first vet appointment bright and early. i'm excited we finally added a cat to our home. lets see how it goes!
oh! and i'm also excited to see what Bollewangenhaptoet will chose for next week's theme.
oh! and i'm also excited to see what Bollewangenhaptoet will chose for next week's theme.
This is so funny... I also got a new kitty this week and there was another person on the "this is" tour that got one as well (sadly it's all a blur and I can't remember who it was).
dont worry, baby surrey was good as gold when we first brought her home, didnt eat, tinkle, nothing, just laid there. Now she's a bad little kitten. Just give your new kitten some time, she will get situated :)
thanks for the reassurance!
everyone's getting a kitty!
nothing beats a happy new family addition! Once she gets settled in you'll catch her Literally climbing the walls.
Our kitties were all timid for the first few days -- then they were climbing the curtains!
Enjoy your new adventure.
Mine can be seen rightchere ;)
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