Saturday, December 20, 2008


i know i had said that the fings was all packed up...last night, i could not resist the temptation of a mock up, and this time without a tent...

it's not exactly what i had in mind, but the space is rather limited. and here's a close up of my very homemade banner made out of a thifted pillowcase and fabric on fusible webbing (i'm pretty sure that's what it's called).

aren't you proud?

oh! and p.s - if you ever thought about using to order some last minute business card, think twice! i ordered mine on Tuesday and paid for overnight...but haven't gotten my shipment (J talked to them and it wasn't processed till yesterday...2 days after i had ordered!). they won't be here until Monday...not in time for the show, so we had to go to plan B...again, think twice! people pay $30 for overnight shipping for a reason!!!

ok, over and out!

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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.