Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Coast to Cote: week 15

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week 15 is here!

Coast to Cote: week 15

Pang: Who doesn't love bubbles? There's something so magical about them...adults love them and kids can't get enough of them. Yesterday I felt like everywhere I turned, some one was blowing bubbles, so I couldn't help myself to a picture of them.

Went for a long walk today for several reasons. 1. Its super nice out. 2. I wanted to do some scouting by the river because I'm taking pictures of Nadia and Yohan soon. 3. Ryan bought me jeans for Christmas and you would not believe how tight and stiff they are. He assures me the more I wear them the more they will loosen up. During the walk I came across this willow tree and decided to take a few pictures. I also decided to work on my smile face, because as Pang has so kindly pointed out, its usually too cheesy. Or just mean looking. What do you think? Needs more work huh?


i think your smile is coming along. a little bit more practice and you'll ace it! have a great Wednesday everyone!

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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.