Thursday, October 28, 2010

Coast to Cote: week 31

banner from our project

i'm sorry this week is a little late. i've been getting caught up with packing and trying to move after work and things have slipped here and there. please forgive me.

 Coast to Cote: week 31

Pang: Last week I stumbled upon a super easy recipe for mini pear pies. If you know me well, you know I love all things small, mini, tiny, you name it. I suddenly had the urge and so I went for it. It was SUPER easy cause I didn't manage to mess it up somehow. I did cheat a little and used store bought crust as our stomachs were telling us we didn't have time to wait.

Lacey: During the summer one thing I love to eat is pasta salads. For whatever reason, this summer, I didn't make ONE pasta salad. So I decided to do it the other day because I had some leftover pasta and kidney beans laying around. I threw in some tomatoes, avocado, shelled edamame and then topped it with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and some italian dressing. I don't know why I waited so long!

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