Pang: Let's get nostalgic, shall we? I went over to my grandparents the other day with my new roommates and showed them around the property. We came upon the little swing that used to be a part of the old swing set we had growing up. For some reason it stuck around and was finally bolted down onto this tree branch. Now the little ones use it...well, some of us grown up grandchildren still us it to this day. Seeing it in this light brought back memories of my cousins and I using it in our tree houses, wrapping the chain around the tree branches...makes me wish I was a kid again.
Lacey: This past weekend I had the pleasure of photographing Heather and Josh's wedding reception. My arms were aching by the end of it but I actually had a blast watching everyone dance and have a good time and eat candy and cupcakes (they had a candy table set up and a million cupcakes instead of a cake). Now I just have lots of editing in front of me.
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