Saturday, May 24, 2008

put all of your birdies in a row

is that how the saying goes, but with ducks? anyway, i wanted to show you the fruits of my labor. they've actually been finished for about a week, but i haven't gotten a chance to photograph them. i thought about doing more than just six (well, i actually made a couple more, but they didn't turn out quite as nice).

i have a couple more projects to get my hands on and then it will be time for a giveaway. ooops, yes, i forgot to mention...since i'm getting a giveaway from Monkeys Go Home!, i have to send something to the first three people to comment on a post (but that said post will be coming up soon, i promise! i just have to get all of my ducks in a row! haha).

i also wanted to show you this really rad umbrella (look at the presidential print!) i got from a place called Bill's Other Yard sale. it' a secondhand furniture place, but these were tucked away in a corner in an umbrella stand. i was so excited i didn't even realize i won't be able to use it in the rain because it was made of my ordinary fabric, not lined or anything. so i'll just have to find a sunny summer day for it i guess.

tonight we'll be back in our old stomping grounds (She-town) with a few friends from out of town. our friend Becky is getting married and moving away to Wisconsin (i think?), so a much needed send-off will be taking place...

tomorrow J and i will be going to my good friend Kelly's house for a little Memorial day cookout. She has two young boys so i'm thinking about making some cookies...but the problem is i don't know what kind yet. i have to go look for a recipe asap! ah, so much to do, so little time! speaking of time, i must get going. as much as i love to sit here and chat, REAL work awaits!

have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

I would so love to get one of your giveaways, I just adore your work. Shanna

Pang said...

thank you Shanna! i promise a giveaway will be coming soon!


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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.