Tuesday, May 27, 2008

toadstools, caveman, and birdies...OH MY!

it's been a busy weekend. a lot of driving and visiting, but it was really nice to see some friends that we haven't seen in a while. i didn't have to work yesterday (yay! three day weekend for moi too!), so i spent some time checking off a few things on my do make list...like this toadstool...
a couple of weeks ago, i signed up for the Lucy Kate Crafts toadstool swap. although i have until mid June to make and mail mine, i decided to get it done early so i wouldn't forget about it. i thought i was going to have a hard time because it's 3D and i'm not used to that, but the tutorial was so good! it helped out so much!

now, it's not really my style to chose such light color combinations, but my swap partner likes muted colors...so what partner wants, partner gets... it still turned out really cute though. plus, i added a ladybug to it to spice it up a little, so that tops it off. i sure hope she likes it!

i also made this guy...

he's a caveman named Krog. J and the guys at the shop made him up way before we started dating, but i've heard so much about him (i was even his myspace friend once! i know, i know.), so i wanted to make my own version of him. he was so much fun to make!
i gave him a nice toothy smile (which reminds me of our friend Victor's...who was the live version of Krog at one point) and shaggy hair. i also made his arms extra long so that he could stand on his own.

this long weekend also gave me a chance to start on this new project. here's a sneak peak...
my friend Ashley from Skyline is going to be an aunt soon, so she wanted me to make a plush for her niece. it's not quite done yet, but it's supposed to be very girly, can't you tell?
anyway, i'm really excited to send this cutie off to my very first personal swap...Cary from La Vida Kitsch.
i love absolutely love her stuff! i still don't know where i got the courage to ask her to swap (thank goodness she agreed!). you can check out more of her stuff here. i can't wait to get the package in the post soon. i'll be sending out her's tomorrow!

aside from crafts and visitors, we also went to a couple of cookouts. J's parents had us over yesterday and their friends were in LOVE with Remy (she didn't want to leave and pouted the whole ride home!). i took a couple of pictures, so you can check them out here. although if you don't like meat you might not want to...

when i wasn't crafting or going to cookouts, i divided some time for cleaning. some "little friends" are visiting from the basement, so we had to find a nice and humane way to keep them away. because they are little smarty pants, the live traps aren't working as well as we had hoped, so i had to do some patching. i spent most of my morning cleaning and prepping, but ended up forgetting about the steal wool to plug the holes with (they can't chew through steal wool). so i guess we will see what happens. wish us luck!

yikes! i didn't realize i've almost written a short novel. i hope everyone has had a nice long weekend. (the weather was perfect!) i know i did! now it's back to the daily grind tomorrow. work and work. boo.


Jessie Mae said...

I adore Krog's teeth!

Pang said...

thanks! it's my favorite part!

Anonymous said...

Krog is hilarious, I love the extra long arms!

And I'm thrilled to be swapping with you...I'm glad you asked!


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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.