Wednesday, June 18, 2008

this is an important public service announcement...

kids, brush your teeth! otherwise you'll be looking like this guy...

those aren't his gums! it's plaque! good!

he might look suave with this tux and cape, but inside he's Count Placquela! he's my newest addition (started today and finished tonight! i'm a proud mama!)

it all started when J and i were talking about plague and then he mentioned the word "Placquela." instantly, a vision popped into my head. usually i sketch out my thoughts, but i was so excited i skipped it. eventually though, i had to come back to it to figure out how i would do his tuxedo. i tried a couple of ways to do the teeth (my first attempt some how turned out looking like a mini cheeseburger. hmm?)

i think he turned out pretty well, don't you?

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