Tuesday, January 27, 2009

new-ish books

i got Invasion... while Christmas shopping. it's chalk full of cute monsters! i'm thinking about taking it to Claire and spending the day making them with her. Stuffed, the magazine is great! i can't wait for the next issue.

not only am i loving all of the above, i'm super stoked about Handmade Nation. i'm even more stoked about the MOVIE! not only is Heidi Kenney of My Paper Crane featured in it, i'm really excited to see more of Knitta, a group of anonymous guerilla knitters who tag public items. neat, huh? makes me want to learn how to knit (a lesson soon Becky?). anywho, here's a peak at the trailer...

aren't you excited?

sidenote: can anyone teach me how to make good coffee. i have no skills in that department what so ever. i tried to make some (yep, in a coffee maker with a portioned pouch) the other morning and it tasted like sugar water...a little help please?


this chickadee said...

1. i'm excited about handmade nation too! got the book for x-mas.

2. knitting lessons anytime! we can cover the 270 corridor with knits.

3. have you tried a french press?

Pang said...

~ we should get a group of crafty girls together and storm the theater when it comes out! kind of like a sewing-circle-girl's-night thing.

~ are thursdays good for you?

~ what's French press? was that a dumb question?

this chickadee said...

- yes!

- yes! most of the time.

- no, it isn't a dumb question at all. here's the wiki: french press


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Photographer, crafter, Boston Terrier enthusiast. Please feel free to say Hello.